Is relation between time and money inversely proportional?

Posted by on Jul 12, 2017 in Save Money, Saving and Investments | 0 comments

There are different ways to find financial solutions. To avoid experiencing any financial failures keep a track of how frequently you spend money and in what kind of activities. Ask yourself are you spending too much money on shopping, buying groceries, buying gadgets that you do not need, paying for expensive subscriptions etc. Instead, you use the money wisely. For example, you could use the money to further your education or learn some new skills which in return will help you generate more income. It is important to develop a habit of being thrifty. Borrowing money is a bad habit and can lead you to some massive financial debts in the future. Avoid borrowing and if borrowing is not absolutely avoidable, for example when your first home, in that case, make sure to borrow the minimum amount. First, assess your needs against your wants. Do you really need to borrow a lot of money to buy an expensive home? Do not borrow beyond your means; only borrow money to an extent that you are able to pay back your debts easily without causing yourself extreme stress and health risks. Time and money both are precious assets and it is up to us to decide to use them wisely. Also, we need to decide how we get the task at hand done in the best way given that we have both money and time in our hand. Time and money both are mutable, they have a flow, and it is often possible to interchange one with the other. Thus for all practical purposes, time and money are inversely proportional. Knowing this basic fact allows people to do what they do best. For instance, if I had more time on my hand I would personally do the laundry, grocery, cooking, gardening and so forth. However, if I am hard pressed for time and have sufficient money I would definitely hire a proficient person to do the work on my behalf. In this way, I would free up my time to do things I love the most. When you experience financial security you will be fulfilled. You will experience much personal joy and be able to live a life that does full justice to your talents, dreams, and aspirations. Your continuous effort to be thrifty will help you achieve a sense of joy and...

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Attempts to Save Before You Spend

Posted by on Apr 27, 2015 in Saving and Investments | 0 comments

Saving for your future and urgent situations is never wrong. It’s not possible to become a millionaire in a day, thus counting up pennies regularly in your savings account can only give you a tenable future. Now a day, if you are a salaried person or else a genuine businessman it will be even difficult for you to meet your expenses in this rising financial system and at last you will be left with nothing. So, it’s better to think and start your savings before you spend. Some major wealth generating ways to bring up your thought into action are mentioned below- “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” – An old saying but still very useful for your finances. Tax deducted at source is something you can evade if applied your intelligence. Significantly, almost 2.5 lakhs of investment is permissible according to IT Act in the current financial year. Hence, plan your investment for that reason and prefer going ahead of market risk options. Think of different investment plans rather than sticking on one. Choosing maximum ROI plans are an intelligent act. You can opt for auto debit facility directly into your salary account, so that your savings are fixed before your expenses. It’s intelligent to be on sure and secured sides of ventures, hire a CA and get better advice from him. Home loan is another mode to exempt tax and secure a property. Think of alternatives – When it comes to stake your sweetly earned money, you should at least give a thought over it. Try to re-utilize all your belongings and so forth with other items too rather than buying a new one. Plan according to your budget – Make different columns of expenses and fix up an amount for each and then follow your planned figures while spending. Lastly, never spend on anything unless you are in utter crisis of the product. Incorporate savings in your blood rather than in your...

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Start saving young

Posted by on May 22, 2014 in Saving and Investments | 0 comments

People should start saving from a very young age. There are many people who start putting aside a dollar or more from the pocket money that they are given. When they get employed, rather than spend all the money that they earn, they make it a point to make sure that their bank balance is healthy at the end of each month. It is a good habit that financial advisors say that all people should inculcate. After all, as it is commonly said, a penny saved is a penny earned. The sooner the pennies are saved, the more one can...

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Tips to save your hard earned money!

Posted by on Dec 26, 2013 in Saving and Investments | 0 comments

In today’s life emotion plays very little role in everyone’s life. People have become calculative and money centric. Here, everyone is just bothered about how to make more money. At times, making money might be easy but some might find it difficult to save it. Hence, they might feel that whatever they are earning is less. We at Metered Life will make you understand the correct calculation of your income against your expenses. Here, we give you some money saving tips which will help you from being bankrupt or serve as a relief during cashless situation. Make your Monthly Budget – The foremost things you need to do is to make your monthly budget. List down all the things you would require to spend in the month. This list should include your grocery bills, laundry bills, electricity bills and other bills like mobile phone, gas. Make a list of grocery you would require to buy every month. Read and re-read the list. Delete the excessive and unnecessary items. Do not overstock the items unless required. Fixed Savings – Once you know the amount you need to keep aside for your daily needs, calculate the remaining amount from your total income. Always keep aside, at least, ten to fifteen percent of the left out amount as your fixed savings. This saving can be a deposit in your bank or buying some funds. Pay your bills on time – Remember to, always, pay bills timely in order to avoid late payment charges. This includes your mobile, landline, electricity and credit card. House Parties – Instead of planning every weekend out you can call for a house party. This saves a lot of expense. Sell old stuff – Always follow a practice to remove the old and unwanted things from your house. This will not only keep your house clean but also help you to earn some extra cash from the unwanted things. Maintain your appliances – Repair cost of the appliances is always the highest in any household. Hence, maintain all your home and kitchen appliances well. If you notice any minor problem in the appliance, immediately call for a technician and get it repaired. The above mentioned basic money saving tips will help you to save a large sum of money in the entire...

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Venturing for Added Certainty are Banks and Financial Establishments

Posted by on Dec 2, 2013 in Saving and Investments | 0 comments

The services of banks as well as financial sectors have turned out to be quite erratic. This industry is confronting high-profile challenges and troubles because of expanding business and client requests. In this scenario, banks need to think emphatically and need to create strong systems that can maintain investments as well as client relations. They are definitely putting resources into e-business, administration programs, portable banking and new installment procedures. Additionally, they are persistently thinking about lessening dangers, expanding client fulfillment, dealing with the progress in financial market drifts, investigating the approaches to gaining on development with efficient defrayals schemes. This will essentially upgrade benefit margins and help in taking better verdicts. It additionally serves to meet the developing clients’ desires. Unquestionably, banks are putting their clients at the focal point of all IT and business choices. This will assist them to carry more client driven items and recapture trust. Banks are likewise presenting adequate results that uphold advancing client needs, for example: 1. Providing safe as well as interactive engineering 2. Inspiring the client experience 3. Utilizing the socially suitable to positively facilitate payments improvement Besides, worldwide banking as well as finance industry is giving careful consideration to the client experience. They are measuring their administrations and business provisions against the desires and level of conveyance. They are occupied in lessening grievance rates and are constantly satisfying their clients....

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Money makes the world go around

Posted by on Sep 3, 2013 in Saving and Investments | 0 comments

In this present world it is said that ‘time is money’ and ‘money makes the mare go around’. Are you sure that most of people really knows the meaning of this phrase? Answer will be a big NO. You should know the importance of time in making money and the way to spend money in a profitable way. It is quite surprising that time is infinite but everyone has limited time only. Money is similar to time. Both, when spent will not come back. Hence, you should know how to make the best use of time and money. What makes the time valuable? Since money come from job, let us look the importance of time in job. When you spend time for your job, make sure that you are getting maximum results in the form of money for you. Unless you are not rewarded with the deserving reward, then you are wasting your time engaging in your job. Hence, it is better to spend your time with a job that assures you with better rewards. You can find several better opportunities that suit your profile. Finding the best job can help you in earning handful of money at the earliest. Does Money mean life? It is money that makes you a success or failure. If you have good financial background, you can easily become hero from zero. Life gets its real color of happiness with good bank balance. Not everyone takes birth with a silver spoon in mouth. It is the knowledge of financial management that helps you to control your finance. You should know how to manage your finance in this present economy. When you know how to control the inflow and outflow of money, then there is no doubt, you can experience the real meaning for the phrase ‘money means life’. One of the best ways to make the best use of earned money is to make investment. If you are not aware about the behavior of present economy, then it is must to get the financial service assistance. Financial resource training helps you to study about the character and behavior of the market and its potential threats. The training helps your control your finance effectively, designs the budget for your family, effective investment and more. Financial management is not only for big companies and organizations. You can also make use of the basics of financial management to enjoy study control on your finance both in home and office....

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