It is very well said that the key to a person’s success is proper planning and effective time management. This holds true for everyone be it a student, a working professional or even a housewife. Consider the example of a housewife, if she is not able to manage her time in an efficient manner, her kids will definitely miss their bus to school in the morning. Also, she will not be able to spend quality time her kids helping them with their homework. You can also take the example of a final year student who not only has to prepare for his exams but also has to devote time in finding job at the same time. Without effective time management, working on both the tasks simultaneously will be tedious for him. So, time management plays an important role in everyone’s life. Managing the time in an effective manner will not only help you complete the tasks on time, but, will also make you a more organized person. Listed below are some tips and techniques that can help you judiciously manage the time. For more information about effective time management techniques, you can refer the website, ‘’.

  1. When you get up in the morning, spend 10 minutes making a To-Do list. In this list, jot down all the errands that you need to complete in that particular day. Prioritize your tasks well. List them down in the order of their complexity and importance. More important tasks should be given top priority.
  2. Set realistic goals to complete the tasks. Break complex tasks in more achievable tasks and work on them. Do not jump onto the next task before completing the one in hand.
  3. Set aside a fixed number of hours in a day for relatively unimportant tasks such as accessing emails, chatting with friends, accessing social networking sites, hanging out with friends etc.
  4. Stay away from distractions such as unimportant phone calls or instant message pop ups while working on something important.
  5. Delegation is one skill which you must inculcate within yourself so as to get maximum tasks done in the same time duration. Identify the persons who are knowledgeable and can help you out with sharing some of your tasks.
  6. Try to indulge into the habit of multi-tasking. For example, you can read the newspaper while travelling. This will enable you to save time which can be utilized in doing some other important task.

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